The Fault in Our Stars : A Melancholic true love
My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.

Not all stories have happy endings,life is always unfair.
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green is a book filled with actuality of bitter truths,happiness on reading through reminiscence of love,is what the budding novel is all about.It is so intriguing that we relate to the leads , and feel as though we are going through what is happening in the story.
Hazel Grace,the main protagonist of the story has always been isolated and introverted personality.She loves reading which is characterized by her love for the book An Imperial Affliction by Peter Van Houten,that she rereads again and again with time.Her mom convinces her to go to the Support Group,to bring through an end to her loneliness.This is where,she meets Augustus (aka Gus) Waters,the love of her life.Gus the other main protagonist lost one of his legs to cancer,which makes him limp due to prosthetic leg.Soon Hazel starts to socialize and found hanging with Gus and Isaac, another boy from Support Group.Soon love blossoms between the couple.Suddenly, Hazel falls severely sick and is hospitalized.
Gus takes this as an opportunity to make her realize her purpose of life,by planning on a trip to Amsterdam and meet Houten,whom Hazel seeks certain answers from.Gus executes this trip through his Cancer wish,sooner they arrive and explore places and meet the author.After having a conversation she soon realises how miserable the author is whom she admired and wrote letters to.She felt she wasted her precious time writing to this man,who behaved weird and rude.After a while,Gus drops unexpected news about his health,which changes their relationship and brings about a turning point in their lives.
Love is one of the many remarkable themes Green had portrayed.The meaning of the title ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ has so much irony to it.It shows us that it is not our fault when something bad comes our way as things are meant to happen as written in the book of destiny.The two characters had to have cancer,meant to meet,feel and fall in love.They chose to love each other despite knowing they were never meant to be as time was like a winter bird in their life.
This book surely makes anyone cry.Even though, the book dealt with teenagers life,I feel it was great at incorporation of humor mixed with melancholy.The line
“You gave me a forever with, the numbered days,and I’m grateful” a line said by Gus portrays how he accepts his sickness wholeheartedly and that was no barrier to love Hazel.The author uses a lot of poetic lines about life,that makes us deeply perceive through their meanings.One such line is
“You put the killing thing right between your teeth,but you don’t give it the power to do it’s killing”.
Gus often has a cigarette in his mouth,but he doesn’t light it.This shows us that it depends on what actions we perform that reap into situations.
Follow the 3 L’s to lead a peaceful life.