Emancipation: Freedom, Joy and Us
Chains of massacre is all that I view, human-ness is left to fend what ceases.
In the last few days, a lot has happened around the world, terror at its peak. It is times like this that one tends to look within and ask quantum of questions.
I am a human first, citizen next and then comes everything that follows.
“World has changed”. This might sound like musings of the old. Yes. They have, but change in itself is an exclamation. I grew up listening to tales of prince and princess, especially Cinderella or should I say damsel in distress. We all believe and desire for the quest to be happy. What one never understands is “happiness” the term in itself, is quite overrated. I know everyone reading, might wonder “What???”.
The truth lies in the farthest hole, the one that needs to open. A hole to open, with a key within us —heart. If we truly see, what we want instead of searching and trying to fulfill others expectations happiness comes knocking at your door. I always and forever conceptualize that in the end of times all that remains is memories, with our love.
“Love” hearing this makes me blush, because it is plentiful the whole world is smaller, even a billion universes might seem smaller. This feeling is magical, to be loved and to love. I don’t know about soulmate, nor have any idea whether I have one,but one thing is sure love binds us together. It knows no colour, language or status,all matters of heart. Two people, of varying decrees of mind might fall in love, in the end heart wins always.
Seeing a parent giving it their all to make a better future for their children is not sacrifice but love in it’s entirety. Mistakes are a part of life,truth at it’s finest but with the passage of time despite the goodness of a human, it is often faults that come to mind thinking of that individual. We all have or utmost all live, laugh and love on what we have coined “perfection”,which makes me feel less even better a sore loser.
I have never felt taken aback, or strongly withhold to something. My life changed in the last 84 hours after reading the books “My policemen” and “12 Years a slave”. Two different books, but both lying on the same realm not having the freedom to express. While the first one takes us into times when, love can be between two opposite gender, and anything beyond that is a disgrace to love and life on itself. The latter gives an insight to what feels to lose your identity, and be tortured in acts of slavery, which made my blood boil and cry and rant on how humanity was slaughtered. Even today, I keep hearing the butchering of mother earth and her residents our fellow humans.
What I don’t get is why are we trying, to bring each other down. I know I might not have enough understanding when it comes to politics,but having learnt history I can say I do know what it feels to be lost, this pandemic our common frenemy has taught just that. I often wonder what would life be, if we all live in peace and harmony.
Will it be a beautiful meadow, across the window?
A world straight out of fantasy
In the end our world is beautiful, mother earth will and always be true symbol of love.