Statistical analysis on COVID-19 data
The more I delved, the more I was shocked. People falling into the clutches of Covid-19 dying, health deteriorates over time. Statistical view on the pandemic.

Covid-19,has become synonymous with 2020 due to it’s influence on the people from the start of the year. In the history, of mankind we have never felt this restless, but this one person has changed the whole story. From saving ourselves from getting manipulated by this person,to restraining from leave home,we have come a long way. This person has been and still is the talk of the town,in various countries. Many stories of origin of this person,comes a while and now. What we fail to understand,is that there will be an end.
End? Of What?
Many would ask,the questions.
Well,Covid is going to exit. Before,I tell further let’s see some info.
The dashboard of the pandemic
These are just few countries,that are affected the most by this person.
This pandemic can be viewed as two dimensions-
1)Safeguarding other’s lives
2)Doubt over livelihood and current scenarios.
It is of no doubt,that this person has not just ruined many lives by spoiling people’s health,but also the family of others. There is no bigger sin in this world,than affecting someone. This person in addition,to ruining lives has also made an economic impact. Here is one such -
From the graph it’s clear that GDP has been affected badly this year. Many countries are facing issues with poverty,which has seen a steady growth this year,with more people falling into the trap called “Poor” instead of coming out of it.
The vandalism is faced more in the country,known to be the most developed and advanced. This led to lots of questions like “How could a country known to always be the best,fall into this scam?”. This question could be answered only if we understand this statement-
“Don’t we all have a breakdown at times”. Every individual has shortcomings,it doesn’t matter whether they are rich or poor. At the start,of pandemic we all were unclear with lots of questions searching hopelessly for answers. Found some and still hunting for more to satisfy our hunger.
Did we give up? No.
As Humans we understood and accepted the new normal. Times have changed,every since the first case registered. With more losing their jobs,also more businesses evolving with time. Thanks,to technology we get all we need at our doorstep,with the help of a smart device. Without it there would be more chaos and confusion prevailing everyday.
“Keep Going.Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life.Keep going.Tough situations build strong people in the end.”
No matter what,never give up and stay positive and happy.