An Outlook on Mental Agility
What nobody tells you?Read to know more.

In today’s world ideas are being transformed into new time innovations. The art of quickness in understanding and grasping the root cause of the problem and also thinking about ways of solving the issue becomes a necessary task. This gets all the more in demand when looking for a suitable person to be hired in case of job interviews. It is not just about education but also the extra skills that a person requires in order to be successful in his/her career. With respect to interviews for jobs, the company and the higher officials are not just on a look out for hiring people. They want people of sharp personality to not perceive things as it is but also creative minds to come up with ideas for selling a product. This procedure requires thoughts maybe quirky at first but as the product reaches a higher scale in the market they seem innovative and contemporary.
What is exactly Mental Agility?
Mental agility refers to individuals who love experimenting with complex, problems and can make connections between different things and explain them in a simple way for others to understand.
Do you think your unbiased?
Are you someone who considers new ideas as solutions?
Do you want to try something new?
If the answer is “YES”.
Your probably someone who might possess strong Mental Agility.
Do read this book, Becoming an Agile Leader by Victoria Swisher, a beautiful book.
What exactly does Mental Agility Require?
- Quirky Ideas-Expose yourself to the unfamiliar and not so clear thoughts that you normally ignore and try to form a road map of your thought and cultivate it into actions. This might seem weird but would help at some point.
- Watch trending videos-Visualize the clips in the form of a story and figure out how you can apply in your ideas. Ask questions as to why it is so different from others? What else could be added? Will did this work and do really people like watching such?
- Think it Through — Are you confusing ideas with assumptions? Challenge yourself to consider something if it can be proven . Look for collaterals-what is common in each of these?How is it different from ones that failed to attract audiences? Are there some underlying principles that can be applied here? Search for patterns and try to analyse the data.
- Success in any field of your interest depends on figuring out the best solution to difficult and complex situations when your stuck out.
- So use mental agility to think,process and do something unique.
Three important questions to ask